New Beginnings


“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

~ Jim Rohn

For me, spring always symbolizes a fresh start.  It’s a time of renewal, shedding the old for the promise of something new.  Perhaps it’s the wildflowers, the tiny new plants in my veggie garden, or that the days are getting longer, offering an invitation of extended daily potential.

Whatever it may be, springtime is a time to reset and refocus.  The beauty of this human life is that every day is an opportunity to start over.  Even if everything went absolutely wrong yesterday, all the possibility is there for everything to go right today….well almost everything is probably more realistic.


Most importantly, have grace with yourself. Forgive yourself for actions you aren’t proud of in your past. Feel released in knowing the past is gone. Today, this moment, is all that exists. You have the power and control to live your best life and positively affect those you come in contact with. The future is but an illusion. The only thing you can control is how you act, react and interact moment to moment.

What are your goals for this spring season? Change can be difficult. Even with the right motivation, creating habit takes time, patience and perseverance. I challenge you to really think about what you seek to bring into your life. Living an intentional life means taking the time to examine how you spend your money, time and resources. Really asking yourself if your choices are bringing you, and those around you joy, or if your choices are causing you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Of course, some things can’t be helped, but what do you have control over? What can you let go of? What can you prioritize?

Every day won’t be perfect, but with the dawn comes the promise of another opportunity to do better. To eat well, treat others with kindness and compassion, have adventures and go after your wildest dreams!


Please feel free to reach out with questions.



Raw Fruit and Veggie Cleanse Reset Program


The Mediterranean Method