mindset + empowerment Coaching




With a unique combination of relaxation, self-care, adventure and self reflection, you will leave a Basil + Lavender Retreat motivated and rejuvenated. 

Take the time you deserve to slow down, find the quiet and reconnect with the most authentic parts of yourself. 



Upcoming Retreats

Girlfriends Surf Retreat (Ventura, CA)

This retreat is ideal for a close group of girlfriends looking to take a break from reality, reset, relax, laugh, practice yoga and learn to surf!

Relationship Reconnect RetreaT (Ventura, CA)

My weekend couples retreat is an ideal opportunity to take time away from daily life to focus in on what is most important. Reignite your love and passion for one another. Take a time out from the busy day to day to improve your communication and deepen your connection ❤️

*Feel free to contact me for more details and pricing info

Past Basil + Lavender Retreats


Relax, Reset, Renew Spring 2023 Retreat

Lake Arrowhead, CA

“What a powerful weekend! I loved the way a group of women, mostly unknown to each other, came together in a thoughtfully curated environment that encouraged introspection, growth, and new friendship. The yoga on the lakefront deck, the delicious and healthy meals, and the relationship workshop were some of my favorite aspects of the retreat. Most importantly, the experience provided me the space, time, and intention needed to set some necessary personal change in motion. I am grateful for the experience and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a meaningful sense of renewal and reset.” 

- Keri Hope

“The retreat was truly a wonderful experience! As a busy mom who takes care of everyone else, it was a luxury to arrive at the retreat and have every single detail, from meals to activities, planned for you. Katharine created a safe space for us to share, connect, grow, and support one another. There was a nice mix of planned activities and free time. Some of my favorite moments were sharing a cup of coffee with the other women in the morning and sitting around the campfire in the evening. I left the retreat feeling completely refreshed. It was just what my soul and heart needed. Thank you Katharine for the intentionality and love that went into the retreat!”

- Gina Schade

“The Reset Reconnect Renew Retreat was an unexpected surprise—it was truly magical! It’s rare that you get time to yourself, but also the time and space to really work on yourself and connect with others at the same time. The retreat provided all of that in the way of a variety of activities, including outdoor yoga, lake walks, paddle boarding, and the physical space to venture on your own. In addition, the structured activities embedded through the weekend, led by Katharine, really brought about creating a safe space where all felt welcome to share and connect in a deeper way. I came away from the retreat feeling interconnected to the group, reenergized and ready to take on new challenges!”

- Amy O’Neal

“WHAT A WEEKEND! From yoga, to crystals, to vision boarding, and all the guided self discovery in between, the wellness retreat was just what I needed. For a busy, working mom, taking a step back and looking at my business goals, and family lifestyle is always a smart choice in the right direction. Katharine’s calming nature and insightfully led discussions helped me find clear answers to major obstacles.”

- Amy Logsdon

“I attended Katharine’s retreat and I found it tremendously beneficial. I arrived feeling guarded and tense and I left feeling balanced and uplifted. Katharine has a unique ability to express love and care in a multitude of ways. Her guided meditation sessions were amazing and she is a very talented reiki healer. I felt deeply nurtured and authentically seen. Katharine helped create the sacred space needed for a transformative experience. Highly recommended!” 

- Nessa Moran

