The Mediterranean Method


Recently, I checked out “The Mediterranean Method” by Steven Masley, MD from my local library.  I liked the book so much I went ahead and bought it!  For most of my adult life, I’ve naturally gravitated toward a Mediterranean lifestyle and way of cooking.  I moved from the Midwest to Santa Barbara, CA, known as the “American Riviera” at 18 years old and, in turn, that move helped shape the course of my adult eating habits, cooking preferences and lifestyle choices.  As I’ve continued to refine my cooking style over the years, I find that the recipes I continually come back to, and enjoy most, follow the Mediterranean way of cooking.  


For those unfamiliar with this style of cooking/lifestyle, the Mediterranean way includes eating a variety of fresh, seasonal whole foods.  Those that follow this method of eating consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with beans, nuts, herbs and spices, wild caught seafood and a moderate amount of organic, free-range chicken and eggs.  Olive oil is used in place of butter and other oils, and red wine is typically consumed with the meal.  Consumption of grains is limited, but when consumed, traditionally, barley, millet, farro, wheat berries and bulgur are the grains of choice.  Dessert typically consists of fresh fruit, or a bit of plain, whole milk yogurt drizzled with honey.  Decadent treats are reserved for special occasions. 

Most importantly, this way of eating embraces flavor, texture, and variety.  Food can be delicious and healthy at the same time!  Not only is this method of eating great for achieving weight loss goals, but also gives you more energy, helps to prevent heart disease, improves gut health, cognitive function and so much more!

In conjunction with the choice of foods to consume, the Mediterranean lifestyle includes physical activity throughout the day, including taking the “work” out of working out, an effort to reduce stress levels and cultivating a sense of connection with family and community through conversation over shared meals. 

During these uncertain times, healthy eating habits, physical activity, stress reduction and feeling connected to others, may seem more difficult than ever before, but I would argue that all of the above are more important now than ever!

I could go on and on about the benefits of what many call “the healthiest diet on the planet!”  Please feel free to reach out to me if you’re curious about more information on this way of eating/living.  I’d love to share what I’ve learned and provide recipe suggestions. 

For now, I leave you with a few of my tips to jump start your way into a healthier lifestyle – 

  • Eating – limit your consumption of red meat and instead choose seafood, organic free-range chicken, or beans for your main protein source. Limit your consumption of grains (choose whole grains when you do consume) and add more vegetables (roasted veggies are SO good) and fruits to your daily intake. I’ve got lots of great, healthy veggie and seafood recipes, if you’re looking for ideas!

  • Exercise/Physical Activity – find a method of exercise that you genuinely enjoy, and you’ll be more likely to do it more often! Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, hiking, yoga, or something else, make sure it’s something you look forward to. Now that many of us are working from home, I encourage you to take phone calls outside or walk around the block whenever you can. Breathing fresh air and moving your body is the absolute best and fastest way to recharge, clear your mind and get an energy boost!

  • Minimize Stress – this is a tough one! We all are feeling stress in some way right now, but, as best you can, find ways to minimize stress. One of my go-to ways is the use of essential oils. Lavender oil in a diffuser is wonderful, and I absolutely love the roll-on essential oils from Saje Natural Wellness! They even have one for stress release. Take life one day at a time and when you start feeling overwhelmed, stop, and take three deep, cleansing breaths, then carry on!

  • Connection – this is also a tough one during these times! I believe that it is vitally important for overall happiness to feel connection with family, friends, and your community. Everyone has a different comfort level right now, but I encourage you, no matter what your comfort level, to find a way to virtually, or in person, continue to foster your relationships and sense of community. It’s so important for overall happiness!


Please feel free to reach out with questions.



New Beginnings